

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


授权机构:财务副总裁 & 政府

理由是:  邮件服务署提供高效率的派递服务, 集合, 来料处理, 以及韦德体育app官网的商业邮件.  本政策建立了通过MSD处理邮件的程序.

政策:  Delivery of mail by the MSD is intended for 韦德体育app官网 business only.  业务 materials are those dealing with some aspect of University operations.  The 并将 refuse to accept or process any incoming mail/Parcels they deem to be of a private nature or for other personal use (exceptions for students residing on campus).  The University is not responsible for loss or damage to private/personal property or mail.

Outgoing University mail must meet all United States Postal Service (USPS) guidelines for mail handling.  在准备要打印和邮寄的工作时, the mail piece must be approved by the Manager of Mail Services or his/her designee to ensure that USPS regulations are followed.  The Manager of Mail Services is the authorized representative for communicating with USPS on behalf of the University.

所有寄出去的邮件都应该有学校的回信地址.  The Director of University Services may review and approve exceptions to this requirement.

适用范围及适用性:  此政策适用于所有校园内的邮件处理.


标记:  特别指定给邮政服务的邮资许可证印记.  使用indica必须事先获得批准. 看到 默沙东公司网站.

跨部门的邮件:  也被称为“校园邮件”,由信封组成, 备忘录, 形式, 出版物, 以及其他从一个校园到另一个校园的商业邮件.

可加工的:  A mail piece is "Machinable" if it can be sorted on USPS processing equipment and meet specific standards, 包括大小, 形状和重量.  Higher postage rates will apply to pieces that do not meet Machinable standards.

校外的邮件:  Mail that will be forwarded by the MSD to the USPS with the proper postage for delivery outside of the University campus.

营销邮件:  以前称为“标准”,营销邮件是大量邮件.  它提供较低的邮费和送货时间通常较长.  “营销邮件”不能用于发送个性化通信, 帐单或对账单,因为这些需要一级邮资.


For outgoing off-campus business mail prepared at the department level that requires postage, the Mail Services Request Form must be completed and attached to outgoing mail.  此表单连同条形码标签, identifying the applicable fund to be charged is available at no cost from the MSD.  透过电邮((电子邮件保护))或从卫生署网页下载.  Note that grant fund numbers should not be utilized without approval from the Office of 研究 Administration.

为了使MSD有效并符合USPS的规定, 申请人须在表格上填写下列资料:
  • 服务类型(一等、国际、媒体邮件、UPS等.)

  • 邮寄或运送的物品的件数

  • 基金编号及相关条码标签
如果缺少上述任何一项, the MSD reserves the right to return the mail to the originating department for proper completion of the needed information.  Mail should also be separated into batches if more than one type of service is requested.

对于大容量或更复杂的服务(例如.g., 使用喷墨打印机申请地址), 使用邮件服务申请表格,该表格可在 默沙东公司网站.

一个月不少于一次, the 并将 charge expenses incurred by a department to the appropriate fund number in the University general ledger system.


The MSD picks up mail each weekday from the USPS and thereafter sorts and delivers the mail to University departments.  Mail addressed to a person no longer employed at the University will be delivered to the department or office address on the envelope for further disposition.

部门间邮件和外发邮件.S. mail are picked up each business day from departmental mail stops/mail rooms.  Mail is then either sorted for delivery to the on-campus addressee or sorted and forwarded to the USPS once the proper postage is applied.

If the MSD has completed its pickup for the day at a departmental mail stop and processing is of an urgent nature, the items for inter-departmental or USPS delivery may be dropped off during business hours at the front counter of the MSD in the Police and Support Services (PSS) building.

美国邮政总局发出的邮件大约在下午3点离开校园.m. 每一天.  Any mail/Parcels reaching the MSD after that time will be forwarded to the USPS on the following business day.


大学的内部邮件服务受联邦法律管辖, which requires that all mail delivered without postage be for University business and delivered by University employees.  没有私人或商业邮件 应透过部门间邮件发送.

  • 收信人姓名(如为个人)及/或

  • 部门、办公室或学校的名称

  • 办公地址或建筑物名称
Notification of a change of campus office address should be sent to the MSD.  跨部门的邮件 that is not properly addressed will be set aside for dispensation and may be returned to the sender.

跨部门的邮件 involving satellite University locations (Macomb University Center, 作为一个例子)将被处理,并在MSD中提供提取.

New multiple-use 跨部门的邮件 envelopes may be purchased from external sources or partially-used envelopes may also be available at no charge at the MSD.


MSD与USPS一起提供了几种选择.  Current information on minimum volumes or other constraints are available on the 默沙东公司网站,或向邮政服务查询 www.美国邮政总局.com.

  • 一级邮件.  除了处理小批量的件在目前的美国邮政邮费, MSD可以以较低的成本处理大量的第一类邮件, automated postage rate provided that the specific USPS Machinable requirements are met.

  • 营销邮件 (commonly referred to as Standard mail) is often the most economical way to send large volumes of mail.  这种邮件可以减价邮寄, 如果符合USPS的特定规定,则自动费率.  如果有疑问, the MSD may take a concept sample of the mail piece to the USPS to evaluate its acceptability.

  • 国际邮件,包括海关表格.  必须向MSD提供内容说明.

  • 特殊的邮件 例如投保信、挂号信和挂号信.

  • 邮政许可证 数字(标记).  All requests to use an 韦德体育app官网 permit Indicia must be processed and approved by the Coordinator of Mail Services or by the Director of University Services.

  • 商业回邮邮资 而手续费则会返还给部门.  布局和艺术品必须得到默沙东协调员的批准.

欠资 fees incurred and charged by the USPS are billed to the appropriate department.


The MSD can accept electronic files to prepare mailing labels and/or imprint the addresses directly on mail pieces.  发送电子文件时,请注意以下事项:

  • 可以使用 默沙东公司网站 或者通过电子邮件.

  • 地址可以印在标签上,也可以用喷墨直接印在邮件上.

  • The file can be in either Excel (preferred) or text, comma delimited format.

在大学校园没有USPS收集箱的情况下, 并将, 出于礼貌, collect stamped Personal Mail (envelopes only) while making their rounds for official business mail.  这样做的时候, MSD does not assume responsibility for these pieces arriving at their destination in the same time frame as if the individual had mailed them at a USPS facility.  这是默沙东将提供的唯一个人服务.  如果个人需要购买邮资或运送个人包裹, 他们必须去一家提供全方位服务的运营商的办公室——美国邮政总局, 联邦快递或联合包裹.

